A Guide to Nomad Tours

Nomad Ltd. offers a variety of outdoor tours for all types of interests. Our tours fall into three main categories.

Athlete || Arts || Leisure || CSCI Students


Athlete Designed for people active in sports, these tours mix travel and sightseeing with a taste of each area's local sports scene. Of course, we schedule times for on-field play ourselves, and pickup games often begin spontaneously during daily free time! These tours also include clinics to refine sports skills with local experts.

Tour Name Length Description Price
Soccer Safari 15 days Visiting Ireland, Great Britain, and France, we'll watch and play soccer, or "football" as the locals call it, with the best! 3 optional day hikes. $2200
Basking in Baseball 9 days We'll visit the spring training camps for several major league teams in Florida. In addition to a clinic with a major league ball player, we'll have access to league-standard equipment for our own play everyday. $1600


Dedicated to enjoying and appreciating the performing arts, these tours offer a wide range of experiences.

Tour Name Length Description Price
Viva Voce 15 days An opera tour of some of Europe's great cities, featuring performances in Paris, Vienna, Milan, Rome, and Budapest. Afternoons available for shopping, strolling, or museum excursions. $2200
Theater Troupe 9 days A visit to two English country theater festivals. Choose from many daily performances at each festival. Includes a group evening backstage. $1600


Designed to let you relax and rejuvenate! Quiet trips to secluded retreats. Your time is your own to read, sunbathe, take a walk, swim, or take advantage of the retreat facilities.

Tour Name Length Description Price
Country Escape 8 days Enjoy a week in select rural settings. Relax in meadows, woods, or by ponds. Well-appointed guest facilities includes exercise centers and pools. $1600
Urban Oases 10 days Get away in the middle of it all! Relax at retreat facilities in the middle of two major cities. Choose Europe, Asia, Mexico, or U.S. $2700

CSCI-123 Student

These are special trips for students enrolled in the Website Development course at the College of Charleston. They deserve a break, and a trip to Hawaii is a fine way to release some pressure. Enjoy!

Tour Name Length Description Price
Code-o-rama 7 days Visit Hawaii and enjoy the trip of a lifetime. Accommodations are 4 star, and the attractions are waiting for you! Enjoy the special student rate of under $30. $29
Iraq 360 days This is for the students whose average grade is less 70 in this super simple course. Don't they just deserve a trip? $FREE$